Recently, Deb and I spoke in a supporting church. After the service, an elderly woman, a supporter for many years, invited us to dinner. That afternoon I asked her, “At 68 years old, God has taught me many things about walking with Him. You are in your 90’s now. What is God teaching you that can help me in my walk with Him?” She thought for a second, and replied, “He has taught me to trust Him in everything, absolutely everything.” She went on to relate how all the small chores of the day, which become difficult as we age, become a matter of prayer. She reiterated once again, “I pray and trust Him for everything.”
What an essentially valuable lesson, which God has also been teaching us. As we have learned more deeply how to trust Him for every aspect of life and ministry, it seems He is blessing us more richly. Our lives are full of His provisions both physically and spiritually. Physically, even though our support has been reduced by over $1000.00 a month, we continue to flourish. Spiritually, we are growing stronger and remain resolute in our ministry stewardships. In fact, our ministry schedule is overflowing with global opportunities. We are happily occupied in our service with the Lord.
- Please pray for Silvani, a ‘Muslim background’ friend with whom we have reconnected.
- Deb and I have two online Bible studies with people from the East Coast, West Coast and the Midwest. The studies include folks from the USA and China. They have turned into discipleship studies, since everyone who attends are Christians.
- We have friendships with folks from Japan, China, Myanmar, Columbia, Turkey, Kazakhstan, and Northern Iraq (Kurdistan). We are praying for these friends to become Christian friends. Pray as we seek to meet them, spiritually, from where they are at.
- I have been invited (along with others) to visit Sulaymaniyah, Kurdistan. This is a Muslim semi-autonomous country with a small Christian community. They are asking for teachers to equip believers to live and serve. I have offered to teach in the areas of the evangelistic relationships, evangelistic studies, and local church ministry. Pray for wisdom as the leadership in Kurdistan considers this, and then, as Deb and I make a final decision.
- Deb has an online conversation partner in Japan with whom she meets on Saturday mornings. We are praying this will become an evangelistic study.
- Our coffee shop Bible studies continue on most Thursday afternoons. One participant will soon be baptized and another is considering church attendance. We think that both of these dear friends have now become Christians.
- Then, most urgently, please pray for Deb’s parents whom we care for on a daily basis.
Calendar for Prayer:Daily: Intensive study of the Word of God and a regular regimen of exercise. Sunday—Speaking in various churches, building our prayer team Monday—Day off Tuesday—Online Bible Study with East Coast, West Coast, and Midwest Wednesday—Administration Thursday—Coffee Shop Bible Study and another online Bible study Friday—International friends in our home, or meeting new friends at the rock climbing gym Saturday—Online meeting with conversation partner living in Japan
Monthly: March 5—Speak at First Baptist Church, Eldora, Iowa March 10—A friend from Kazakhstan will spend the evening with us March 12—Speak at Calvary Baptist Church, Onslow, Iowa March 19—Speak at Calvary Baptist Church, Grinnell, Iowa March 24—A friend from Myanmar will spend the evening with us March 25—We will attend an International Friends Easter Dinner March 26—Speak at Community Church, Deep River, Iowa March 26—Baptismal service, Harvest Baptist Church, Williamsburg, Iowa April 2—Attend online service, International Baptist Church, Cambridge, MA April 9—Speak at Easter service of Floris Baptist Church, Floris, Iowa April 16—Share briefly at Immanuel Baptist Church, Newton, Iowa May 7—Speak at Cumberland Baptist Church May 8-12–Coffee Shop Bible study to Creation Museum and Noah’s Ark Encounter. May 21—Effective Evangelist Ministry Sunday at Calvary, Dysert, Iowa June 25–Speak at Ankeny Baptist Church, Ankeny, Iowa
Mostly, Deb and I need wisdom as we navigate care for parents, our own physical needs (exercise, diet, rest, and such), and our divinely generated stewardship of joining our Savior in the building of His Church, globally—10 civilizations, 10 global cities, 10 discipleship centers. We so desperately need your prayers.
We love you,
Deb and Bill
Bill and Deb Edmondson 944 South Highland Street Williamsburg, Iowa 52361