Our Fellowship

Dear Prayer and Financial Supporters, 

In a recent prayer letter, I wrote about our budding fellowship. It may be helpful to explain what is meant by that. 

Firstly, in our thinking, a fellowship begins with an idea which governs the fellowship. In our case, the idea is a command—“Go and make disciples of all nations.” As you know, to us that means ministering to the global community, locally, in order to export the gospel, internationally. Therefore, all that we do is informed and critiqued by this thought/command. 

Secondly, our fellowship does not begin as one group of people meeting once a week. Rather, our fellowship could be described as bits and pieces, or odds and ends. By this I mean, Deb and I have many relationships/ministry opportunities which together form our embryonic fellowship. Each of these bits and pieces may not yet be aware of each other, but we hope that one day these various pods will become a more organized Christian gathering. 

Our bits and pieces, odds and ends include Bible studies, language partners, coffee shop conversations resulting in dinner invitations, an evening at the Mexican restaurant again resulting in a planned dinner in our home with our waitress, International Thanksgiving dinners, online meetings, mentoring Bible college students, and even our financial and prayer supporters. All of these have a certain synergy, working together, swirling around, slowly taking shape, becoming a Christian gathering, becoming a church, making disciples of all nations. 

That’s what we do, our joy, God’s command to us,

Bill and Deb

Note: On Monday, we are sending you a third email prayer letter, which announces a change of mission status for Deb and me.

Support Information

For more information concerning our monthly support needs, you can go to Bill and Deb’s Website for Supporters and click on the Financial Information tab.