Ministry in Iowa City

To Our Ministry Partners,    

Recently Deb and I made many new acquaintances from around the world at a picnic hosted by  Friends of International Students in Iowa City, Iowa. We found the people we interacted with to be very receptive to friendship. It is an incredible opportunity for those who endeavor to live the Great Commission to become effectively involved within close proximity to their home. For us, even in a small city in Iowa, we had the      opportunity to meet and engage people from the four corners of the world.  


A week or so ago, we helped a Christian family from Nigeria shop for  winter clothing. Adapting to Iowa winters when you are from Nigeria is no small matter:-) There is a significant Nigerian community in Iowa City, which we hope to engage, perhaps with the help of this Christian couple. Deb and I started doing this type of thing over 30 years ago when ministering at University of Notre Dame. Some of those who we helped live life in the United States later became Christians. 

When the incarnate Jesus ministered on earth, He revealed Himself to be the Messiah by ministering to people’s needs, people who were themselves waiting for the Messiah, who would care for them. The Savior’s ministry was authenticated by the way He cared for people. This is part of the theological basis for why we minister in this way. 

Deb currently has several language partners. We have found that helping individuals with their English skills is an excellent way to communicate genuine care for them, which is a prelude to sharing the care of the Savior. 

By the grace of God, during this fall season we have engaged folks from three different continents.  It is our prayer that these acquaintances will become genuine friends, which will become gospel opportunities.  

Our fellowship is in the embryonic stage. We need prayer for everything; new, not-yet-Christian friends, evangelistic Bible studies, effective administration, and wisdom managing family and ministry priorities. Please pray for the Global Crossroads Ministry Fellowship as it matures into a body of international believers, who are able to minister the gospel, globally.  

Thankfully serving the Lord,

Bill and Deb

Support Information

For more information concerning our monthly support needs, you can go to Bill and Deb’s Website for Supporters and click on the Financial Information tab.

Kurdistan #2

To Our Ministry Partners,    

Last October, I accompanied my brother, Bob, to Kurdistan. Bob returned to Kurdistan recently in order to train Kurdish believers principles of ministry. His report to me (below) highlights the importance of ministering in strategic places. 


Hi Bill, It was a good trip.  Smaller class this time, but good interaction.  We had dinner one evening with Bayan, the same lady who had you and me to her home for dinner last time.  Bayan told us more about their vision for  Refugee camp ministry.  It is the same vision you have for Global Crossroads ministry.  They want refugees, when they eventually return to their homes to take the gospel with them and spread it like wildfire.    She told us about a young widow she led to Christ.  She didn’t think this lady would respond because she was a committed and trained Muslim.  Her husband was an Isis fighter and was killed on the battlefield (probably by  us).  Well this lady responded to the gospel like Saul did, and her life turned around just as quickly.  Bayan was discipling her and she was eating it up.  One day the authorities came around and told her that she was going to be deported from Kurdistan because her husband fought for Isis.  She had lied to them about how her husband died in order to be allowed in the refugee camp.  Now when they discovered the truth, they sent her away.  She returned to her home village near Bagdad but stayed in touch with Bayan online.  Bayan felt that she was not ready to stand for Christ on her own but had no choice in the matter.  To Bayan’s surprise, this lady began to minister in her  village, preaching the gospel to men and women alike.  She led some of them to Christ and baptized them.   The most amazing thing about this is that this lady’s village is still full of Isis fighters who permeate the area.  They are literally her neighbors.  She is evangelizing and baptizing right under their nose.   The vision works!  They want you to come back again.  Several people asked about you. 

I (Bill) just wonder—Should we do something about this? Kurdistan is a Muslim area of the world, friendly to both the West and to Israel. It is a rare place within a Muslim country where Christians can share their faith freely. It is a place of human misery, including large refugee camps, where there does not appear to be much hope. And yet, it is a strategic place where people are on the move, globally. A perfect place to do gospel ministry. The believing community is small and in great need of theological and practical ministry instruction. Kurdistan could become a launching pad for making disciples across the Muslim world. Should we be joining our Savior in this?  Tomorrow: Ministry in Iowa City

Thankfully serving the Lord,  

Deb and Bill

Support Information

For more information concerning our monthly support needs, you can go to Bill and Deb’s Website for Supporters and click on the Financial Information tab.

Family Time

Our Ministry Partners,

In September, the Lord graciously and somewhat miraculously allowed our whole family to gather at Deb’s parents’ home. We are so pleased that our children and grandchildren inconvenienced themselves to honor their grandparents and great-grandparents. 

When our families cease to be a priority, we have lost our way. We seek to honor the Lord in family and ministry, but the balance between these is tough to maintain. God has helped us to remember; our family is our first ministry. 

One bit of advice: You have spent years training your children. Now, learn to listen to them. Our family is not perfect—we struggle at times. However, we do listen to one another. My children have become our counselors and confidants. It is a beautiful relationship. One worth working towards. 

In the next several days, two additional reports: 1) A Kurdistan update 2) Ministry in Iowa City. 

Thankfully serving the Lord,  

Deb and Bill

Support Information

For more information concerning our monthly support needs, you can go to Bill and Deb’s Website for Supporters and click on the Financial Information tab.

The Lord

Our Dear Fellow-Workers for the Gospel,

The Lord Provides: Despite losing $750.00 monthly support, our income has not decreased. This is because of our faithful, thoughtful, and sacrificial supporters. Thank you!

The Lord Moves: Recently, Deb and I were exploring Iowa City, asking God to help us meet new friends. Upon entering an Arabic restaurant, the Lord provided extended conversations with the owner, as well as a server . The owner is now looking forward to coffee with me, and the server, a Turkish grad student who recently arrived from medical school in Ukraine, may come to our home for dinner. Please pray that these relationships will blossom into redemptive friendships. 

The Lord Interrupts: A business call this week became a 21/2 hour discussion of Christianity, Christ, authentic religion, and our need for a Savior. The sales person I was conversing with had seemingly moved from a very abusive form of Christianity towards a kind of Eastern Mysticism. It had been years since their Bible had been opened. Questions were asked like: Is evil real, how does the Bible fit together, and can one survive ‘ Christianity ’ to become a Christian? At the end of the discussion, my new friend seemed encouraged to renew their relationship with our Savior. I am so thankful for this conversation. My personal business was interrupted, in order to do my REAL business.

The Lord Saves: In an online Bible study with two friends from Boston and one of their friends, we recently experienced what we believe was a new testimony of salvation. The question was asked, When did you accept Christ as your Savior? The answer given, I came to grips with this when my Boston friend explained that salvation happens when one believes (not exact quotes). We were studying Romans 3 and 4 at the time as we looked at the faith of Abraham. Often we are not sure of the exact moment when one believes, but we are assured of one’s justification when it becomes clear their trust is only in Jesus the Savior. In yet another evangelistic study, one person has come to faith and a second is very, very close. 

The Lord Cares: Many of you know, Deb and I are helping to care for her parents. Recently, Deb’s mom fell and broke her hip. As a result, much of our time has recently been focused on caring for our parents. Another result of this is Deb’s mom and dad deciding  to enter a senior care center. It is a very nice place, and we all agree it is time for this to happen. This also means that soon, Deb and I will have much more time and freedom to engage in other areas of ministry. 

Thankfully serving the Lord,  

Deb and Bill

Support Information

For more information concerning our monthly support needs, you can go to Bill and Deb’s Website for Supporters and click on the Financial Information tab.

Bill & Deb’s Report

Our Dear Fellow-Workers for the Gospel,

Thank you for your many years of faithful and sacrificial support—you inspire us. Deb and I are busy and thankfully serving the Lord in Williamsburg and Iowa City, Iowa. Please pray for Deb’s father, who is not doing well.

A New Name

On June 23, 2022 the council of Baptist Mid-Missions approved a name change from Boston and Beyond a globalized city initiative to Global Crossroads Ministry making disciples of all nations. We think this better reflects our stewardship.

Prayer Requests

People: The essential core of our stewardship is ministering the gospel to the world in Iowa City. We are developing personal relationships which, prayerfully, will become evangelistic Bible studies. When our friends become Christians, an embryonic church will begin to function—a launching pad for global ministry. As we together, (we, along with our supporters) pray and work, this will surely happen.

Preparation: Firstly, we are rewriting our through-the-Bible evangelistic studies. Secondly, our ministry plan (otherwise known as my doctoral thesis) is being reviewed, revised and updated. This will become the ministry plan for Iowa City and beyond. Thirdly, we are studying the global community of Iowa City, the Christian community and the community as a whole, to better understand how best to join what God is doing here. We will be unique in that we focus our efforts on the global community. In addition, our theological framework is distinctive. Progress is being made, but prayer is needed.

Provision: As you may remember, July marks the loss of $750.00 monthly support. However, a dear missionary friend decided to support us for $50.00 a month—a huge encouragement. We also think we may have $200.00 of other support beginning soon. This leaves us $500.00 below a very real monthly support estimate. Our responsibilities preclude us from traveling far to raise support, and we do not expect most of our supporters to be able to increase their giving. Therefore, we just need to pray together for the Lord’s provision. He always has provided, and He always will.

Thankfully serving the Lord, Deb and Bill

Our Support Estimate and Financial Situation

Fellow-Workers for the Gospel,

You may remember, that a while back, this avalanche of email prayer letters commenced—ten in all. We sent all of these, knowing that we would surely lose readers from sheer boredom. It still needed to be done, in order to remind our partners from where we have come and to where we are going.

Let me summarize. Deb and I will always primarily be about sharing the gospel with folks here, so we can help their friends and relatives there, come to trust in the Savior. Evangelism is the first task, but will be, Lord willing, augmented by church planting, demographic studies, recruiting, and networking. By ministering in strategic places, we hope to see additional churches planted around the world. You all ready know this and have heard it many times. Our location has changed, but our gifts and calling remain the same. We are older, but we hope wiser, and are committed to fulfilling the stewardship with which our Savior has tasked us.

Our financial supporters have remained amazing loyal to us through this transition, and our support has remained strong. In fact, after reworking our support estimate to reflect our new location and situation, we found our support to be above 99%! Your loyalty has been such a great encouragement.

However, in June of this year, we will lose $750 a month support. This means there is a now need for new financial partners. Please pray with us as we work to care for this deficit.

The particulars are as follows: Our personal support need is $5,773 per month, and our ministry work funds amount to $1,393, with a total monthly need of $7,166. These amounts reflect our needs to live and do the ministry to which God has called us. If you would like to study the particulars, you can find them on “Bill and Deb’s Website for Supporters”.

Finally, at the end of all these communications, we feel compelled to affirm our trust is in the Lord. Deb and I have been ministering together now for over 40 years, and God has always taken care of us. In our worst moments, He remained steadfast—He has always had our back. Therefore, we trust Him to supply our need as we move forward with Him. Will you join us as Fellow-Workers for the Gospel?

Bill and Deb

Tomorrow: Now we can all rest:-)

Why Continue going to School?

Fellow followers of the Word,

I am reminded of an experience I had years ago when teaching at Faith Baptist Bible College and Theological Seminary. I was sitting at an area coffee shop and talking with the owner—a member of a charismatic church. He said to me, “You folks at Faith are people of the Book, while my church consists of people of the Spirit.” I don’t mind his labeling my thought process as that of the Book—a compliment, indeed. At the same time, it is essential for the Christian to walk according to the Spirit.

The Christian worldview, our understanding of God and life, begins with an understanding of God’s Word. Our spiritual growth is in proportion to our submission to God’s Word, by means of the Spirit. It is also true that our ability to help individuals trust in the Savior is dependent upon our understanding of the Bible, and our willingness to minister to each according to the Spirit.

This is why Deb and I devote a great deal of our time deepening ourselves in our understanding of God’s Word. This is also why I continue to take seminary level courses—I desire to know God better and share His Word more effectively.

We endeavor to share the gospel with folks from all levels of intellect, from a variety of ethnic groups and world-views, from vastly different parts of the world. Our only hope in being successful at this is to know what God’s Word says about all of us. We learn our commonalities by studying God’s Word, and we grow in our ability to understand each individual by doing the same.

Think with me about Philip the Evangelist, who was led by the Spirit of God to the Ethiopian eunuch, a high ranking government official. Philip was able to engage him at the point of the Ethiopian’s Spiritual need. Philip was led by God, and prepared by God to enter into a gospel discussion by asking key questions, which helped him to know how to respond. Such ability takes a thorough understanding of God’s Word, as well as a desire to engage people from where they are at. This is why further study is necessary.

Oh, and continued study keeps my brain working:-)

Recruit, Enlist, Disciple


You thought we were all done with these, but when sending out our flurry of prayer letters, #6 was lost in the shuffle. Now, #6 will arrive in two installments, followed by #9, our support estimate. 

A large part of the Boston and Beyond ministry is locating and assisting other workers whom God is enlisting into this calling. Deb and I have wrestled with how to do this and God is teaching us. 

Enlisting vocational or bi-vocational ministers is much like evangelistic ministry “done right”. You can help individuals see the need, but you cannot manipulate them to join the cause—that is God’s work. 

Deb and I are on the campus of Faith Baptist Bible College and Theological Seminary several times a month, where I am auditing a Hebrew language course. While there, God has helped us develop relationships with several new friends and renew acquaintances with many old friends.  Just like effective evangelistic relationships, these become friendships in which we minister one to another—we give and we receive as fellow Christian sojourners. This, then, allows us to share our heart and calling to minister the gospel in strategic places. As we do so, God warms some hearts to investigate and   perhaps, to join us. 

Most of these individuals will probably never be involved, day by day, with the Boston and Beyond ministry. However, networking in this way accomplishes two other worthwhile objectives. Firstly, the principles undergirding Boston and Beyond are common to most other ministries. As we share our ministry ethic, we are able to teach common biblical principles of life and ministry—we disciple. While doing so, we are often able to help our friends find God’s place for themselves in ministry. Secondly, ministering in this way is actually networking Boston and Beyond. Meeting and making new friends and discipling individuals communicates the Great Commission priority of ministering in strategic places—the globalized cities of the world. This message is then broadcast by our ever growing circle of friends made at places like Faith. 

Finally, we do so desire to join God in enlisting vocational and bi-vocational workers for the cause of Christ in the city. What happens at Faith can be repeated in other venues, colleges, seminaries, churches. Please pray we have the wisdom to know how much time to give to this part of the Boston and Beyond ministry. 

Bill and Deb

Edmondsons Reporting #8 of 9

The Ministry Plan: How will Boston and Beyond move forward in Iowa?

The vision of Boston and Beyond is the Great Commission. We simply believe that the Great Commissioner is fulfilling His promise to enable His church to do His command by ministering in the city.  Success will demand that Christians are willing to be living sacrifices to the Lord. This in turn will demand the disciplining of all areas of life: personal, family, ministry.                                                                               

Personal: Deb and I are committed to taking care of ourselves physically. This involves disciplined eating and exercise. We need to also care for our souls. This includes continuing to grow intellectually and resting regularly. To achieve longevity of service, we will need intensity of discipline. 

Family: Throughout our lives, we have made significant family sacrifices. Our children, if asked, “Where did you grow up?”, are not able to answer, since we hauled them all over the place. There were financial sacrifices and emotional sacrifices caused by an absentee father. While Deb and I sacrificed willingly, our children had little say in our choices.  This is not a complaint. We feel that raising Christian children includes teaching the necessity of sacrifice. Our children are doing well—things are good, over all. However, more than one grown adult, and spiritually mature child, has asked their dad to be more present and not just physically present. Being emotionally present with family has become a primary goal of my life. 

Ministry—Boston and Beyond:

Evangelism—Deb and I will always be about ministering the gospel to people here to do the Great Commission there. We have several new and not so new friends with whom we are pursuing evangelistic relationships. We also are developing a working relationship with international organizations, particularly in Iowa City. Everything starts with helping individuals become Christians.

Church Planting—The goal of Boston and Beyond is global church planting, reaching people here and discipling them to prosper there. As we minister the gospel here, another local/individual church may be organized. A church originated in the global community here will help facilitate church planting there. 

Enlistment—Deb and I will be ministering regularly in local churches, Bible colleges and theological seminaries, as well as talking with experienced vocational workers about joining Boston and Beyond. However, the primary individuals enlisted for global church planting will need to be those who come to Christ through Boston and Beyond ministries. Many disciples have already been made. We desire more. 

Demographics—The study of people movements is an intricate part of Boston and Beyond. This study involves research, as well as travel. Its scope is primarily cities, but also regions. Substantial time and travel will be dedicated to these studies. The goal is finding the most strategic locations for global evangelism leading to global church planting.  

Networking—The work of organizing to plant churches globally is well under way. We have worked for years with many of our constituency to further the work of discipling the nations. We are already aware of how B&B disciples have impacted nations. Yet much remains incomplete. We need to plant churches.   

Next Week: Our Support Estimate—an opportunity to join our Savior in making disciples of all nations. 

With love, Bill and Deb