The Lord

Our Dear Fellow-Workers for the Gospel,

The Lord Provides: Despite losing $750.00 monthly support, our income has not decreased. This is because of our faithful, thoughtful, and sacrificial supporters. Thank you!

The Lord Moves: Recently, Deb and I were exploring Iowa City, asking God to help us meet new friends. Upon entering an Arabic restaurant, the Lord provided extended conversations with the owner, as well as a server . The owner is now looking forward to coffee with me, and the server, a Turkish grad student who recently arrived from medical school in Ukraine, may come to our home for dinner. Please pray that these relationships will blossom into redemptive friendships. 

The Lord Interrupts: A business call this week became a 21/2 hour discussion of Christianity, Christ, authentic religion, and our need for a Savior. The sales person I was conversing with had seemingly moved from a very abusive form of Christianity towards a kind of Eastern Mysticism. It had been years since their Bible had been opened. Questions were asked like: Is evil real, how does the Bible fit together, and can one survive ‘ Christianity ’ to become a Christian? At the end of the discussion, my new friend seemed encouraged to renew their relationship with our Savior. I am so thankful for this conversation. My personal business was interrupted, in order to do my REAL business.

The Lord Saves: In an online Bible study with two friends from Boston and one of their friends, we recently experienced what we believe was a new testimony of salvation. The question was asked, When did you accept Christ as your Savior? The answer given, I came to grips with this when my Boston friend explained that salvation happens when one believes (not exact quotes). We were studying Romans 3 and 4 at the time as we looked at the faith of Abraham. Often we are not sure of the exact moment when one believes, but we are assured of one’s justification when it becomes clear their trust is only in Jesus the Savior. In yet another evangelistic study, one person has come to faith and a second is very, very close. 

The Lord Cares: Many of you know, Deb and I are helping to care for her parents. Recently, Deb’s mom fell and broke her hip. As a result, much of our time has recently been focused on caring for our parents. Another result of this is Deb’s mom and dad deciding  to enter a senior care center. It is a very nice place, and we all agree it is time for this to happen. This also means that soon, Deb and I will have much more time and freedom to engage in other areas of ministry. 

Thankfully serving the Lord,  

Deb and Bill

Support Information

For more information concerning our monthly support needs, you can go to Bill and Deb’s Website for Supporters and click on the Financial Information tab.