Family Time

Our Ministry Partners,

In September, the Lord graciously and somewhat miraculously allowed our whole family to gather at Deb’s parents’ home. We are so pleased that our children and grandchildren inconvenienced themselves to honor their grandparents and great-grandparents. 

When our families cease to be a priority, we have lost our way. We seek to honor the Lord in family and ministry, but the balance between these is tough to maintain. God has helped us to remember; our family is our first ministry. 

One bit of advice: You have spent years training your children. Now, learn to listen to them. Our family is not perfect—we struggle at times. However, we do listen to one another. My children have become our counselors and confidants. It is a beautiful relationship. One worth working towards. 

In the next several days, two additional reports: 1) A Kurdistan update 2) Ministry in Iowa City. 

Thankfully serving the Lord,  

Deb and Bill

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