A Visit to Kurdistan

Recently my brother and I took a trip to Kurdistan. Technically, it was not a missions trip, but rather, my vacation time as a Christmas gift from Deb–an incredible gift, to say the least. I hope you enjoy reading my report below.


Over Thanksgiving and returning home on the second of December, 2021, I traveled to Istanbul where I joined my brother, Bob for a cup of coffee (so cool) and then flew on to Sulaymaniyah, Kurdistan. My interest in Kurdistan had its genesis in June and July of 2016. At that time Deb and I met a person from Kurdistan who desired friendship and discipleship in the things of God. This friendship and discipleship continued, on and off, through February of 2020. This man was a unique person, an inquisitive disciple, and a very frustrating friend. He ended up walking away from the Lord in a devastating fashion. While we discipled our friend, he told us many fascinating things about his homeland, Kurdistan, and his people, the Kurds. Among other things, Kurdistan is a Muslim semi-autonomous area surrounded by Muslim countries and yet, is pro-western and also seeks at least some ties with the nation of Israel. This piqued my interest. 

While discipling my friend, there were unexplained emotional outbursts of anger and other seemingly strange mannerisms, which prompted me to confer with my brother, Bob, who travels and ministers to various cultures and has gained valuable insights. Bob helped me navigate some of the cultural landmines that were hindering the discipleship process. While Bob and I worked through some of these things together, we both began to take an interest in the Kurdish people. As time went on, Bob obtained an opportunity to minister to a Kurdish Bible Institute in Sulaymaniyah, Kurdistan. When I heard of his plans, I asked to accompany him, so I found myself in Kurdistan in November of 2021. 

As you may percieve, this friendship with my Kurdish disciple, resulting in this Kurdish adventure, marks one of the more frustrating, fascinating, intriguing, and edifying times of my life—I still spontaneously pray for him daily. I can’t say much more about my friend, but let me tell you a little about the Kurds and Kurdistan.

A little about the Kurds and Kurdistan:

The Kurdish population is estimated from between 25 and 45 million, not including the Kurdish diaspora. The main Kurdish areas are in Iraq, Iran, Turkey, and Syria. There are so many things that could be said about the history of the Kurds, but one might summarize their history as being one of pain. Being without their own nation, they have been in a constant state of ‘near war’ within their countries of residence. The Kurdish people are fond of saying that their only friends are the mountains to which they flee in times of war. My personal observation, which my Kurdish friends agreed, is that the Kurds of Kurdistan are a people of trauma. 

Meeting with Kurdish Men at a Local Mall

The Peshmerga

While in Kurdistan I was constantly reminded of the regional tensions by the ubiquitous presence of Peshmerga—Kurdish military personal. Peshmerga may be translated by the word sacrifice and symbolizes the solders’ willingness to sacrifice their lives for the Kurdish people. Indeed, the Kurds are known to be fierce warriors.  Our host in Kurdistan repeatedly assured me that I need not fear Isis, because the Peshmerga would protect us. 

Bob and I with a Peshmerga guard at Halabja

The Red Prison

We had the dubious honor of visiting the Red Prison, which was a prison maintained by Saddam Hussein for the purpose of torturing and murdering those who opposed him. I’m not inclined to talk about all that we saw. Suffice to say that it is horrifying to view the levels to which regimes will go to gain power. 

At the Red Prison (each light represents a village extinguished)

Anfal (the late 80”) 

Part of what was documented at the Red Prison was the Anfal campaign, which Saddam Hussein waged against the Kurds of Kurdistan. It is estimated that around 90% of the Kurdish villages were emptied and destroyed because of the Anfal campaign. Men and boys of military age were routinely slaughtered, as were many mothers and daughters. As many as 185,000 people perished. 

Halabja (the first gassing)

One of the first heinous acts of Anfal campaign was the gassing of Halabja. After bombing the city to drive people underground, Chemical Ali, Saddam’s brother, dropped mustard gas on Halabja, killing as many as 5,000 and wounding as many as 10,000. We were given a tour of the Halabja Monument by a man who himself was injured during the attack and who lost five members of his family to the mustard gas. 

Our Guide who survived the Mustard Gas–You can see the pickup where his family died over his left shoulder


The Red Prison also documented the reign of terror which Isis brought to the Kurdish region, slaughtering many with whom they encountered and imposing strict Sharia Law on the rest. However, the Peshmerga were some of the most effective fighters against the Islamic State. Still, mass graves have been found of those slain by the terrorists.

We have only covered a little of the recent history of Kurdistan, but what has happened recently is only the latest addition of the hard life lived by the Kurds throughout history. Truly a traumatized people who continue to live in the arena of trauma. 

Although it was the United States who saved the Kurds from Saddam Hussein, sadly, the Kurdish people have also been betrayed by the United States on more than one occasion. For instance, while Halabja was being gassed by Saddam Hussein and his brother Ali, the United States was sending aid to Saddam’s war efforts, since Iraq was at war with Iran. More recently, we abandoned the Kurds of Syria, allowing superior Turkish forces to attack them. Truly, the Word of God supplies valuable insight when it reminds us that the present world lies in the hand (power) on the evil one.    

The Missionaries

I’m not sure they would like me to reveal their names, but in Kurdistan my brother and I were hosted by Christian missionaries from Sierra Leon and Chile. They were the Christian form of the Peshmerga, giving their life as a sacrifice to care for a traumatized and lost people. We stayed with them for the two weeks we were in Kurdistan, two weeks which included an ample amount of sickness. They, along with their young son, were such a blessing. They inspire me to do more. 

The Bible Institute

This missionary couple has begun a church plant and have started what I understand to be the first Bible Institute among the Kurds. My brother came to Kurdistan for the purpose of teaching a course called Pastoral Graces in the Bible Institute. Because of illness I was privileged to fill in for him for one three-hour session—so thankful to God. The first hour I outlined the biblical framework for caring. Those of you who know me know I started in Genesis 1, explaining that we are made in the image of God who cares for us, so we care for others. From Genesis, I gave a quick tour of the Bible, highlighting the centrality of caring for others as a central concept of Revelation. The second hour was devoted to learning of the trauma experienced by my Kurdish friends. Actually, the second hour began the first hour when several Kurds spontaneously started sharing their traumatic experiences. In the third hour it was my immense privilege and intense pleasure to share three principles which help the traumatized deal with trauma; 1) While all things are not good, God will use all things for good for the one who loves God 2) According 2 Corinthians 1, we can use the comfort with which God has comforted us to comfort others 3) As we see in Revelations 22, we have a sure hope for the future of all nations—there will be leaves for the healing of the nations. One Kurdish friend summed it up by saying, “There is hope.” I was told that my small contribution was helpful to the Kurdish believers. However, I am convinced the joy of teaching these stout believers was far more meaningful and edifying to me than to them. 

My brother Bob teaching Christian leaders in Kurdistan

The Community Center 

Our missionary hosts also developed and are maintaining a community center in Sulaymaniyah which cares for many basic and not so basic needs of the community. They are even endeavoring to build a rock-climbing wall.  

The Refugee Camps

What was particularly awe-inspiring was the ministry to the refugee camps, which are needed because of the civil war in Syria and the Isis campaign throughout the region. It was wonderful to tour facilities used to care for women with no future and no prospects. It was heart rending to hear their stories of horror. But it was wonderful to behold smiles of contentment and joy—a result of the ministry in their midst. These women called their time within the ministry facilities their happy time—the one time in their forlorn existence when they could be at peace, safe from harm, and secure in the love provided by the missionaries. 

The Yazidis

Do you remember the Yazidi, that odd religious group singled out by the Islamic State for annihilation? The Peshmerga missionaries with whom we became acquainted, also care for these haunted human beings. In fact, they have Bible studies with some of the leadership of this group. They provide clothes and teaching material among many other things to the Yazidis. They also match up Western Christians with Yazid children. These salvific relationships continue through the years. I so admire these missionaries who work tirelessly in a very hard place to help a traumatized people to know and experience the peace that is only found in Jesus Christ.  

The Kurdish Crud

One unwelcome gift we received was a virus I refer to as the Kurdish Crud. Both my brother and I were sick for many days and even upon our return. We learned that during this time of year (the Kurdish winter characterized by high humidity but chilly weather) many of the Kurdish people are sick for several weeks. We shared this unwanted distinction with them. 

Final Reflections

  1. At times in the USA and particularly in the conservative church, social work has been historically looked upon as suspect, as something the more liberal so-called Christians do. Yet in places like Kurdistan, not caring for the whole person reveals a callous, unregenerate heart. In places like Kurdistan and particularly in the refugee centers, it is essential for Christians to authenticate that they are from God by caring for the real needs of people regardless of what those needs might be. What is true in the Kurdish refugee centers is also true wherever one represents Christ. Our Father who sent His Son to spiritually and ultimately physically save the whole person asks His children to likewise love the whole person, Christian or not-yet believer.   
  2. I loved ministering with my younger brother, Bob. Bob became a Christian in high school and I in college. Our growing up years had its own trauma, with our dad dying at a young age, and a home that never seemed to function right after that. Bob and I do not spend much time together, living for many years on the opposite ends of the country. In fact, until we met up in Istanbul on the way to Kurdistan, we had not seen each other for several years. In this instance, I was the understudy, assisting wherever needed—loved it. What a privilege to watch my bro minister to inquisitive Christian leaders on the opposite side of the world. 
  3. The Kurdistan trip profoundly ministered to the very depths of my being. Even now, several weeks after returning from Kurdistan, the many experiences bring tears to my eyes and a deep longing to my soul. Tears because of the seemingly hopeless plight of so many in the refugee camps. Tears of thanksgiving for the Christian community of Sulaymaniyah (around 200 believers in a city of over 700,000), who labor, joining Jesus in the building of His church. Also, tears of frustration as I look into the eyes of the refugee children.
A Kurdish Refuge –What do you see in his eyes?

I think of my adult children as they care for my grandchildren. Our family is well cared for, physically and spiritually–indeed, blessed by God. My grandchildren have some of the best parents on earth (my objective opinion). But what of the refugee children? Who will care for them? What are their prospects? Looking into their inquisitive, questioning, pain-filled eyes, I weep.  My trip also rekindled a deep longing in my soul. The world is lost and getting worse. Kurdistan is only one place amidst hundreds of places where human suffering and spiritual lostness predominates. The deep longing of my soul is to be faithful to the call of my Savior to do something about this mess. Let us not grow weary in well-doing. 

It was a meaningful, edifying vacation,

Bill E

I Yelled at God but I wouldn’t recommend it

I’m not sure why it happened. I thought I was handling our change well–maybe not happy but content to do God’s will. I guess it must have been the result of reading old prayer letters and editing our supporters website, which is full of global city strategy and detailed plans.

It came crashing down on me how after 20 years, Deb and I having had finally it into the center of Boston and were poised to flourish in the middle of a global potpourri of the nations–a missionaries dream, but then a year of pandemic and then suddenly relocated into a small rural community, our dreams seemingly gone with the wind. All I know is that I was unexplainably weeping and yelling out in anguish–I needed to get a grip.

After sanity returned and repentance occurred, God began to remind me of things that are true and righteous and lovely and just. Our magnificent God gave us 22 years of glory in Boston. Oh, there were tough times to be sure, but mostly I remember the many, many gospel encounters and evangelistic relationships that came our way. The victories despite what seemed like insurmountable odds–the obvious miraculous activity of our awesome God. And God taught me how to walk with Him. He showed me many wondrous truths about Him.

Then God reminded me of who I am. Often times I have read the account of Philip the evangelist and felt he was a kindred spirit–never more so than now. Philip had a successful city ministry but then was whisked off the scene by the will of God and was lead to a wilderness place. Do you remember why? The similarities are beyond coincidental.

After all my years of strategizing to reach the multitudes, God has reminded me of the importance of one soul. And to be used of God at all is an immense privilege, especially for an old cantancerous sinner like me, who doesn’t know better than to yell at God.


Several years ago, a Muslim background believer told me that God had shown him my face in a dream. In the dream it was revealed to him that I was the one who would lead him spiritually when he came to the USA. I was naturally skeptical of such visions, understanding the parameters, which Scripture provides for walking with God. Still, knowing that many phenomena off this sort had been occurring in the Muslim community, yet being committed to the sufficiency of Scripture, I sought too disciple this interesting person. Now, after years of Bible study, counseling and prayer with him, I am more skeptical than ever about extra biblical visions, and remain totally committed to Scripture as our guide unto God. Here are some reasons why:

  1. Being the focus of such a vision is a temptation to pride. What Christian minister does not want to be an answer to a person spiritual needs. Yet, we must keep firmly in mind that we are not ultimately the answer. God is the answer through Christ, energized by the Holy Spirit and communicated by means of the Scripture. We simply point individuals to Christ through the Scripture.  
  2. Being the focus fo such a vision may create an unhealthy reliance. If an individual focuses on you instead of the Savior, they will become dependent in an unhealthy way. Rather than finding answers in the Word of God and comfort in their relationship and communion with God, they depend on you. This is ultimately destructive on every level.
  3. This kind of relationship tends to take time away from other people and other areas of ministry, as the dependent person demands attention and desires to be the focus of your activities.

I remember desiring to be with the person who led me to the Lord without interference from others. I wanted my spiritual father to myself. Thankfully, he did not allow this and immediately eased me into the larger community of believers. The teaching of the New Testament is that ministry happens best in community– in the body of Christ with each of member doing their share.

So while evangelistic ministry is best done one on one, discipleship is best done in community.

Urban Peaks

Recently I began working as a coordinator for a non-profit organization called Urban Peaks. Urban Peaks has the same ownership as Metro Rock Climbing gyms. Deb and I originally asked the owner of Metro Rocks if I could work part time in-order to pay for our membership at Metro Rock.

The way this all worked out is interesting. The owner asked me to work at Urban Peaks rather than Metro Rocks, which still pays for our yearly membership at Metro Rock. Actually, Deb was granted, basically, an honorary membership since she is known as the gym mother. She was granted this status as a result of her practice of brining home made baked goods each time we go to Metro. What I thought would be a mundane job that allowed us a membership at a workout gym, turned into a coordinators leadership position at non-profit designed to help underprivileged children.

There are several reasons why it is good to work at Urban Peaks: 1) working there provides some financial assistance, which helps our budget 2) We are becoming more of a part of the Metro family, which allows us to share our life in God more effectively. 3) Being an employee of Urban Peaks allows me to travel more easily to non-access countries. 4) The purpose of Urban Peaks is to help underprivileged youth experience rock climbing. Like any athletic discipline there are many benefits from participation. 5) There will be the opportunity to engage many Christians groups in Boston, who are ministering to at risk kids, and to help them use Metro Rock gyms as part of their ministry plan. 6) This, in turn, helps me to become better acquainted and to engage with all parts of Boston. 7) Part of my fund raising efforts for Urban Peaks will involve me with various climbing clubs across Boston including universities and college climbing clubs. A good thing for Deb and I and the Boston and Beyond ministry.

It is interesting that what started as a financial hardship resulted in a strategic partnership with a secular non-profit. God had a nexus of reasons to bring a financial need upon us. Solving that need is opening new avenues of ministry, and causing me to think through other ways of engaging in ministry.

Good Morning

Deb and I have been going to bed early, so it was not hard to arise at 4:30am. I am longing to write more, and, for the time being, early morning may be the time.

I desire to write to be a blessing. At 64 I have observed a bit of life. I have learned lessons, which I hope to pass on to all, but especially to those whom I know and love.

It seems to me, it might be easier to communicate life lessons by writing than by speaking them. Some folks will read advice more easily than listening to advice.

So, what do I have to say today? I don’t know, but I can say this, at 64 it seems good to be alive. I am 6 weeks into hip replacement recovery. Received the news yesterday that it will be another 6 weeks before I should rock climb–not happy about that. Also, probably will need to cancel a summer trip to climb the Grand Teton. It’s not so much the climb but the hike through a huge boulder field on the way to the climb. Still, I am alive and well with plenty of reason to love life.

Next week, Boston and Beyond will become an official part of the life and ministry of Baptist Mid-Missions, and, on April 2, Deb and I move into a tiny Brownstone 250 feet from the Back Bay Station in Boston. Both of these happenings brings joy and hope to my heart. Joy in that we sense God’s firm leading hand. Hope in that we realize God still desires to use us into our old age.

Around 43 years ago, I realized my desperate need for God and responded to Him in faith believing that Jesus is the Savior. Since then God has taken care of me. He has preserved me, refined me, made me.

The life lesson is this: Walk with God and you will not regret it.

Christmas 2018

Recently, I wrote about our financial need as missionaries. I am concerned that my letter may have sounded like Deb and I were having a tough Christmas. So, it seems important to tell you that we feel mightily blessed by God this Christmas of 2018.

The week before Christmas, when it looked like I would have hip surgery, four of our five children made plans to fly to Boston in order to be with their mom during surgery. They were coming from as far away as Jackson, Wyoming, Chicago and Simpsonville, South Carolina. They were willing to drop everything and come at a moments notice to make sure mom would be alright. We have 5 children and 11 grandchildren. Our children love each other and desire to spend time together and even inconvenience themselves to do so.

Not only has God blessed our family, He has also given us a strategic part in the building of His church. Boston and Beyond a globalized cities initiative is almost vetted and ready to go. The purpose, plan and procedures for B&B have been thoroughly explained in a number of our prayer letters, so I won’t repeat that here. However, I do want to emphasize that we sense God’s presence in this endeavor and are extremely excited about joining our Savior in the Great Commission mobilized cities of the world.

In addition to these things, Deb and I have each other. We have been married for 40 plus years now, and I can honestly say we continue to fall more deeply in love each year.

Beyond this, we have a wonderful close knit church family that is living the gospel in East Cambridge Massachusetts. Our plans/dreams are biblically correct, and our fellowship is helpful to each other and pleasing to God. We are making progress.

I have not taken the space or time to write in detail about the meaningful friendships we have outside of Boston, our extended family, of our faithful supporters, or of our missionary team, which is growing both numerically but more importantly organically (we are becoming one in spirit). Suffice it to say, all these relationship round-out the blessing bestowed upon us by God.

In conclusion, it is true, Deb and I have some financial and physical challenges to face in 2019–so what, you do probably as well. The point is this, God is blessing our socks off. Our Savior is continuing to save us, and we have no doubt that 2019 will be more of the same.

So, this Christmas 2018 is a blessed Christmas all the way around.


Edmo-Christmas 2017

Don’t be Self-Centered

October 8, 2017

Jude 19 These are the ones who cause divisions, worldly-minded, devoid of the Spirit.

This is an odd place to renew my devotional diary, but I just felt it was time. I desire to help, in any little way I can, my many friends made through the years.

The word translated worldly minded in Jude 19 refers to a person who is not spiritual or overtly sinful. They can converse intelligently about the world around them and may be quit friendly, but they are self-centered. Their world revolves around themselves. Self-satisfied, they are actually shallow individuals who have a small universe consisting of self.

The self-centered life is actually a miserable existence. True life, abundant life, meaningful life is one spent for others. This kind of life is based upon a true knowledge of God’s intention for us, our failures, and God’s redeeming love.

We are created to be caretakers for our world and the people in it. We have failed at this, but Christ has redeemed us, building in us the desire to serve Him by helping others.

Let’s enjoy the life God has given us by helping each other and not being worldly-minded.



Ken Davis

Proverbs 20:24 Man’s steps are ordained by the LORD, How then can man understand his way?

This Sunday morning I received news from Ken Davis that his cancer has become much more aggressive–it doesn’t look good. He has diligently worked holistically to treat his stage 4 cancer, and he has, until now, had remarkable success. I am praying that God will put Ken’s cancer into remission.

At the same time, I am reminded that, at 63, longevity is not guaranteed. I can and should be diligent to maintain my health, but, in the end, God will tell me when it is time to go. Until then, I will pursue God and His desire for my life and calling.

As I think of my many friends, I am prompted to include another verse from Proverbs 20. Verse 9 reads, “Who can say, “I have cleansed my heart, I am pure from my sin”?

If we are honest with ourselves, we will need to admit that we are not pure from sin. All of us have done things which we know are shameful and which deserves God’s judgment. The questions is this, How can I make things right with God? The answer is by admitting our guilt and trusting in our Father’s provision for our sin–Jesus Christ. Jesus, our Savior, has never sinned, yet he died as our sin bearer. He took our gross part upon Himself, so that He could offer us forgiveness and life with Him.

Undoubtedly, we will need to make things right with people whom we may have injured. We may need to ask forgiveness from them as well, but it all starts with being right with God who is our ultimate judge.

This all began for me years ago on the campus of the University of Northern Iowa. My life with God began when I confessed my guilt, my record of hurting people, and accepted Jesus as my Savior. Since then, it has been all about learning to live with and for Him.

Living for God is not a chore for me but life itself. I have come to love God whom I know through Jesus Christ. He knows me and accepts me even while He changes me. He is my constant companion. He will see me through death into His wonderful presence.

I hope this helps a friend.

Gaining Competence

Proverbs 18:1-2

He who separates himself seeks his own desire, He quarrels against all sound wisdom. A fool does not delight in understanding, but only in revealing his own mind.

During my time with the Lord today, I read Proverbs 18. The first two verses of this Proverb has always caused me to pause, reflect and adjust my actions and attitudes.

My paraphrase of  Proverbs 18:1-2: To isolate myself is selfish, doing so (isolating myself) runs counter to all successful thinking. I need others to gain competence.

My Path

During my devotion time today, I read from Psalm 142 and Proverbs 2. In Proverbs 2, as is true throughout Proverbs, great emphasis is placed upon choosing and remaining on the right path.

Years ago, God’s grace and mercy led me to follow His path, the path of life. For me the path started while gazing at the starlit sky of Wyoming’s Grand Teton National Park.  I was just a young guy, from 10-14 years old.

About 25 years ago, my sons, my brother, and his son, took the path up the side of the Grand Teton mountain range to camp in the “way up”. Today, I will make the same trek with my sons and two grandsons.

My prayer is that my God will make Himself known to them just like He did to me all those years ago. That they will learn to trust  You as I have–to follow the path leading to life.

Proverbs Chapter 2
The Pursuit of Wisdom Brings Security

1 My son, if you will receive my words
And treasure my commandments within you,
2 Make your ear attentive to wisdom,
Incline your heart to understanding;
3 For if you cry for discernment,
Lift your voice for understanding;
4 If you seek her as silver
And search for her as for hidden treasures;
5 Then you will discern the fear of the Lord
And discover the knowledge of God.
6 For the Lord gives wisdom;
From His mouth come knowledge and understanding.
7 He stores up sound wisdom for the upright;
He is a shield to those who walk in integrity,
8 Guarding the paths of justice,
And He preserves the way of His godly ones.
9 Then you will discern righteousness and justice
And equity and every good course.
10 For wisdom will enter your heart
And knowledge will be pleasant to your soul;
11 Discretion will guard you,
Understanding will watch over you,
12 To deliver you from the way of evil,
From the man who speaks perverse things;
13 From those who leave the paths of uprightness
To walk in the ways of darkness;
14 Who delight in doing evil
And rejoice in the perversity of evil;
15 Whose paths are crooked,
And who are devious in their ways;
16 To deliver you from the strange woman,
From the adulteress who flatters with her words;
17 That leaves the companion of her youth
And forgets the covenant of her God;
18 For her house sinks down to death
And her tracks lead to the dead;
19 None who go to her return again,
Nor do they reach the paths of life.
20 So you will walk in the way of good men
And keep to the paths of the righteous.
21 For the upright will live in the land
And the blameless will remain in it;
22 But the wicked will be cut off from the land
And the treacherous will be uprooted from it.