To Our Ministry Partners,
Recently Deb and I made many new acquaintances from around the world at a picnic hosted by Friends of International Students in Iowa City, Iowa. We found the people we interacted with to be very receptive to friendship. It is an incredible opportunity for those who endeavor to live the Great Commission to become effectively involved within close proximity to their home. For us, even in a small city in Iowa, we had the opportunity to meet and engage people from the four corners of the world.
A week or so ago, we helped a Christian family from Nigeria shop for winter clothing. Adapting to Iowa winters when you are from Nigeria is no small matter:-) There is a significant Nigerian community in Iowa City, which we hope to engage, perhaps with the help of this Christian couple. Deb and I started doing this type of thing over 30 years ago when ministering at University of Notre Dame. Some of those who we helped live life in the United States later became Christians.
When the incarnate Jesus ministered on earth, He revealed Himself to be the Messiah by ministering to people’s needs, people who were themselves waiting for the Messiah, who would care for them. The Savior’s ministry was authenticated by the way He cared for people. This is part of the theological basis for why we minister in this way.
Deb currently has several language partners. We have found that helping individuals with their English skills is an excellent way to communicate genuine care for them, which is a prelude to sharing the care of the Savior.
By the grace of God, during this fall season we have engaged folks from three different continents. It is our prayer that these acquaintances will become genuine friends, which will become gospel opportunities.
Our fellowship is in the embryonic stage. We need prayer for everything; new, not-yet-Christian friends, evangelistic Bible studies, effective administration, and wisdom managing family and ministry priorities. Please pray for the Global Crossroads Ministry Fellowship as it matures into a body of international believers, who are able to minister the gospel, globally.
Thankfully serving the Lord,
Bill and Deb
Support Information
For more information concerning our monthly support needs, you can go to Bill and Deb’s Website for Supporters and click on the Financial Information tab.