Recently, Deb and I traveled to a speak in a supporting church. After the service, an elderly woman, who has also supported us for many years, invited us to her home for lunch. I asked her, “I am 68 years old and God has taught me many things about walking with Him. You are in your 90’s now. What is God teaching you that can help me walk with Him?” She thought for a second, and said, “He has taught me to trust Him in everything, absolutely everything.” She went on to relate how all the small chores of the day, which become difficult as you age, become a matter of prayer. She reiterated once again, “I pray and trust Him for everything.”
Numbers 13:30 Then Caleb quieted the people before Moses and said, “We should by all means go up and take possession of it, for we will surely overcome it.” (NASB)
My Comments: Caleb was one of twelve men Moses sent to spy out the Promised Land of Canaan. Of the 12, only Caleb and Joshua believed the children of Israel should proceed to take the land, which God had already promised them.
Application: God has also given each of us challenges, over which He has already promised victory. This includes areas of business or ministry where our God desires to give us great and awesome victory. What is it God desires of you? What is His call to you? Do not shrink from the impossible if God has led you to it. Rather, be like Caleb, who when facing huge foes, impossible obstacles, and monolithic opposition, said, “We should by all means go up and take possession of it, for we will surely overcome it.”