The Ministry Plan: How will Boston and Beyond move forward in Iowa?
The vision of Boston and Beyond is the Great Commission. We simply believe that the Great Commissioner is fulfilling His promise to enable His church to do His command by ministering in the city. Success will demand that Christians are willing to be living sacrifices to the Lord. This in turn will demand the disciplining of all areas of life: personal, family, ministry.
Personal: Deb and I are committed to taking care of ourselves physically. This involves disciplined eating and exercise. We need to also care for our souls. This includes continuing to grow intellectually and resting regularly. To achieve longevity of service, we will need intensity of discipline.
Family: Throughout our lives, we have made significant family sacrifices. Our children, if asked, “Where did you grow up?”, are not able to answer, since we hauled them all over the place. There were financial sacrifices and emotional sacrifices caused by an absentee father. While Deb and I sacrificed willingly, our children had little say in our choices. This is not a complaint. We feel that raising Christian children includes teaching the necessity of sacrifice. Our children are doing well—things are good, over all. However, more than one grown adult, and spiritually mature child, has asked their dad to be more present and not just physically present. Being emotionally present with family has become a primary goal of my life.
Ministry—Boston and Beyond:
Evangelism—Deb and I will always be about ministering the gospel to people here to do the Great Commission there. We have several new and not so new friends with whom we are pursuing evangelistic relationships. We also are developing a working relationship with international organizations, particularly in Iowa City. Everything starts with helping individuals become Christians.
Church Planting—The goal of Boston and Beyond is global church planting, reaching people here and discipling them to prosper there. As we minister the gospel here, another local/individual church may be organized. A church originated in the global community here will help facilitate church planting there.
Enlistment—Deb and I will be ministering regularly in local churches, Bible colleges and theological seminaries, as well as talking with experienced vocational workers about joining Boston and Beyond. However, the primary individuals enlisted for global church planting will need to be those who come to Christ through Boston and Beyond ministries. Many disciples have already been made. We desire more.
Demographics—The study of people movements is an intricate part of Boston and Beyond. This study involves research, as well as travel. Its scope is primarily cities, but also regions. Substantial time and travel will be dedicated to these studies. The goal is finding the most strategic locations for global evangelism leading to global church planting.
Networking—The work of organizing to plant churches globally is well under way. We have worked for years with many of our constituency to further the work of discipling the nations. We are already aware of how B&B disciples have impacted nations. Yet much remains incomplete. We need to plant churches.
Next Week: Our Support Estimate—an opportunity to join our Savior in making disciples of all nations.
With love, Bill and Deb