Our Ministry to Aakesh
In the synopsis of these communications, I mistakenly stated that Aakesh is from India. He and his family are practicing Hindus from Nepal. Like Toluwalase, we met Aakesh at a picnic. Although we had a good day together, we have not been able to meet in person since. However, we have communicated online several times, and Deb and I dropped off food at his home after our Thanksgiving dinner.
We intend to have Aakesh and his family in our home soon. Our desire is to learn more of his belief system and become better acquainted with his family. We do this believing all people are of inestimable worth—image bearers of God and those for whom Christ died. We know that unless we get to know them, love them, and understand them we will never be able to share our Savior with them.
Aakesh will frequently remind me that he is Hindu. I am not deterred by this. His devotion informs me he is serious about spiritual things, and I know his seriousness may be turned towards the God of the Bible. I know this because there is only one way to God that works. Jesus is the Way the Truth and the Life, and all other ways fail and will leave one wanting. By the help of God, we hope to join our Savior, showing Aakesh and his family a better way—the way of justification by faith in Jesus the Savior. This will take time, study, and much prayer.
It is these kinds of people to whom we particularly desire to minister, those who are convinced in another way, but serious about talking with others about life and belief and are open to genuine friendship and serious discussion.
Along with Toluwalase and Aakesh, we have other friends from around the world to whom we hope to minister the gospel, and with whom we are currently building the relational foundation. I think particularly of a Japanese friend with whom Deb meets online weekly. There is also a Chinese family who desire to immigrate to the USA, who hosted us when we visited their city in China, and with whom we are still in communication.
Hindus, Muslims, Japanese, Chinese: four very different kinds of people who are our friends and in need of the gospel. The gospel remains the same, but the way to help each of these to understand the gospel may be very different. We need wisdom, so thank you for praying for us, as we seek ways to demonstrate the love of Christ to them.
As I have explained in a previous communication, Deb and I will always be fundamentally about developing these kinds of gospel relationships. Please pray with us, that God will bless our efforts.
Bill and Deb,
Tomorrow: A Needy but Strategically Located Church