Recently Deb and I moved from 6 Wyoming Place in Malden, Massachusetts to 290 #4 Boston, MA 02116. We have a new ministry home, and it is quite a transition.
Twenty years ago, some of you helped us rebuild our first Boston area ministry home. It took eight months and a huge amount of volunteer labor to completely rebuild the Malden property, and it was for a good cause. The Malden property was dedicated to the Lord’s work and was extensively used to build evangelistic relationships, which became an international church family.
Having now moved us into a new phase of the Boston ministry, God has also moved us into a more strategic location in the middle of Boston. In fact, we now live three hundred and fifty feet from one the busiest subway, commuter/rail stops in the city of Boston. We are literally surrounded by the international academic community of Boston,. The globe, all of it, is within walking distance of our new ministry home.
How this happened–God’s firm leading from one location to another–is quite a story.
But that’s for another day.