Fellow-workers for the Truth,
One of the five responsibilities Deb and I have for the B&B globalized cities initiative is to recruit the workers. In order to accomplish our God-given goal of making disciple in all nations, by ministering in key cities, we need to recruit three kinds of workers. Firstly, we need tent makers, those who use a secular vocation to minister in the city. Secondly, we need professional workers who pursue a career in strategic cities and become part of the B&B ministry team in that city. Thirdly, we need occupational Christian workers who will minister the gospel full time, moving from city to city as part of B&B church planting teams.
There are two new couples in Boston, one who came as tent makers, the others as interns. The Lord has provided both couples with employment. They are slowly adapting to city life. One couple has joined the church and the other couple is contemplating joining. One couple will be here for a year, while the other will remain indefinitely. Please pray for these two young couples, who have bravely, with resolute hearts, moved to Boston in obedience to the Great Commissioner.
We also have two individuals who are raising support to come to Boston. Jean Tsen has around 43 percent of her support and is praying for 50% by the end of August. Andrew Eddy has just finished candidate seminar with Baptist Mid Missions and is just beginning his deputation ministry. Deputation is difficult and can be discouraging. Please pray for Jean and Andy as they move forward with the Lord.
There are others who are considering serving the Lord with B&B. Please pray that God will make His way known to them.
We need to recruit more workers, and the way we do so is multifaceted, including speaking in churches, using social media, and presenting B&B at Bible colleges, seminaries, and Christian colleges. Deb and I desire to speak and be present in churches and educational institutions who are interested in B&B. Please pray that connections with like-minded institutions will be made, and that individuals will be recruited for gospel ministry in the cities of our world.
Answered Prayer
A church has supplied our need for an expandable table, which we will receive in the middle of September. In addition, another church is contemplating helping us with our very compact chairs, which we need for our expandable table. Our cocoon of a home, in the middle of the city, is being outfitted to impact the people of the world who live here—Praise the Lord!
Prayer Calendar
Retreat, Refuel, Repeat: Deb and I are leaving for two weeks away. We will celebrate Deb’s dad’s 90th birthday on Friday in Williamsburg, Iowa. From there, we will travel to be with family in South Carolina, and hope to follow this with a time with more family in Jackson Hole. While in Jackson, Wyoming, I will work on my Life Organizational Accountability Plan (LOAP). This discipline, which I work through periodically, controls all our activity. Please pray as it is updated.
There will be no prayer letter while we are away.
September 13: Mid-Autumn Chinese Festival celebrated by the IBC. We meet many new friends at this activity
October 28-31: Missionary Conference at Faith Baptist Bible College and Theological Seminary.
Support Information
For more information concerning our monthly support needs, you can go to Bill and Deb’s Website for Supporters and click on the Financial Information tab.